Property:Display title of

From ChemWiki
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Molecule collection 100481  +
Molecule collection 100549  +
Molecule collection 100550  +
Molecule collection 100551  +
Molecule collection 100552  +
Molecule collection 100553  +
Molecule collection 100632  +
Molecule collection 100730  +
Molecule collection 100751  +
Molecule collection 100772  +
Molecule collection 100929  +
Molecule collection 100946  +
Molecule collection 101000  +
A Cu(I) Co(II) cryptate for the visible light-driven reduction of CO2  +
Photocatalytic reduction of CO2  +
A Dinuclear Cobalt Cryptate as a Homogeneous Photocatalyst for Highly Selective and Efficient Visible-Light Driven CO2 Reduction to CO in CH3CN-H2O Solution  +
Best result and control experiments  +
A Water Soluble Cobalt(II) Complex with 1,10‑Phenanthroline, a Catalyst for Visible‑Light‑Driven Reduction of CO2 to CO with High Selectivity  +
Table 1  +
A molecular noble metal-free system for efficient visible light-driven reduction of CO2 to CO  +