CV test
From ChemWiki
<ul><li>"negative to positive" is not in the list (IUPAC, US) of allowed values for the "Scan direction" property.</li> <!--br--><li>"glassy carbon disc" is not in the list (gold, silver, platinum, glassy carbon, boron doped diamond, pyrolytic carbon, copper, other) of allowed values for the "Working electrode" property.</li> <!--br--><li>"*pi" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.</li> <!--br--><li>"Pt wire" is not in the list (gold, platinum, carbon, other) of allowed values for the "Counter electrode" property.</li> <!--br--><li>"Ag/Ag+ (AgNO3)" is not in the list (SCE, SHE, RHE, Ag/AgCl in KCl(sat.), Ag/AgCl in KCl(3M), Ag/AgCl in NaCl(sat.), Ag/AgCl in NaCl(3M), Ag/AgNO3 in MeCN, other) of allowed values for the "Reference electrode" property.</li></ul>
analyte | anl conc [M] | reduction potential ERed [V] | oxidation potential EOx [V] | *E0,0 [V] | *ERed [V] | *EOx [V] | solvent | solvent vol [ml] | electrolyte | electrolyte purity | el conc [M] | int ref comp | scan rate [mV/s] | scan number | potential window | scan dir | gas | T [] | condition [nm] | WE | WE SA [mm²] | CE | RE | Details | include |
2 |
1, 6 |
-3, 3 |
2 | 0.1 | 100 | 5 | -8 - 10 | negative to positive | Argon | 25 | 450 | glassy carbon disc | 1*pi | Pt wire | Ag/Ag+ (AgNO3) |