Help:Create new publication: photocatalytic CO2 conversion

From ChemWiki


Structure of the publication page

Publication pages show the legally available data from published papers. These include:

  1. Molecules used in the publication
  2. The investigations: tables with data

Currently, the pages for photocatalytic CO2 conversion are structured by the headlines:

  1. Catalyst
  2. Photosensitizer
  3. Investigation
  4. Sacrificial electron donor
  5. Additives (optional)


In some columns, free text can be added. Please consider the following guidelines:

  • Additives: add free text or choose gasses according to the suggestions
  • Solvent ratio: add the ratio in a form such as 4:1
  • Irradiation wavelength: input a number, “dark” (or empty), description of source
  • Columns with numbers: leave empty when number is not given or zero
  • Details: give other relevant information in this field.