
From ChemWiki
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Contains a string describing the additives used in an experiment or molecular process.  +
additives, e.g. for buffer  +
Contains the molecule used as the analyte in an experiment or molecular process.  +
Contains the molecule used as the catalyst in an experiment or molecular process.  +
cat  +
Contains the concentration of a molecule used in an experiment or molecular process.  +
Contains a string describing the illumination condition used in an experiment or molecular process.  +
Contains a string describing the counter electrode type and meterial used in a cyclic voltammetry experiment.  +
Contains a (D)igital-(O)bject-(I)dentifier.  +
Contains a string describing the electrolyte purity.  +
Contains a molecule describing the electrolyte used in an experiment or molecular process.  +
Contains the concentration of an electron donor of a molecule used in an experiment or molecular process.  +
Contains the molecule used as the electron donor in an experiment or molecular process.  +
Contains the excitation wavelength of an experiment or molecular process.  +
Contains the molecule used as the feedstock gas in an experiment or molecular process.  +
Contains the volume of the feedstock gas in an experiment or molecular process.  +
Contains a string describing the gas atmosphere used in an experiment or molecular process.  +
Contains the concentration of an hydrogen donor of a molecule used in an experiment or molecular process.  +
Contains the molecule used as the hydrogen donor in an experiment or molecular process.  +