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* Guided Tour to test guided tour features.
// Copy the next line into the start of your tour.
( function ( window, document, $, mw, gt ) {
// Declare a variable for use later
var pageName = 'Help:Guided tours/mytest',
tour = new gt.TourBuilder( {
* This is the name of the tour. It must be lowercase, without any hyphen (-) or
* period (.) characters.
* The page where you save an on-wiki tour must be named
* MediaWiki:Guidedtour-tour-{name}.js , in this example MediaWiki:Guidedtour-tour-mytest.js
name: 'testa'
} );
// Information defining each tour step
// This tour shows a central overlay at the start of the tour.
// Guiders appear in the center if another position is not specified.
// To specify the first step of the tour, use .firstStep instead of .step
tour.firstStep( {
name: 'overlay',
// Note that for on-wiki tours, we use title and description with the actual text.
// The title appears in the title bar of the guider.
title: 'Testing',
// The description appears in the body
description: 'boop!',
// This specifies that there is an overlay behind the guider.
overlay: true
} )
// This specifies the next step of the tour, and will automatically generate a next button.
// 'callout' refers to the name used in the step immediately below. Although putting the steps
// in a meaningful order is recommended, any step can be specified as next/back.
.next( 'callout' );
tour.step( {
* Callout of left menu
name: 'callout',
title: 'Test callouts',
description: 'test.',
// This positions the guider next to a page element, in this
// case the portal link (which is "Community portal" on English
// Wikipedia, but varies by site).
// The string is a jQuery selector. "#n-portal" means the HTML
// element with this id attribute, and "a" means an a, or link,
// element inside that.
attachTo: '#ce-side-panel-content-collapsed',
// This means the guider shows to the right of the Community Portal link
position: 'right',
} )
.next( 'description' )
// The 'back' property specifies that you can go back from this step, and where to go
// if the back button is clicked.
.back( 'overlay' );
tour.step( {
* Test out mediawiki description pages
name: 'description',
title: 'Test MediaWiki description pages',
// Name of the page to parse
description: pageName,
overlay: true,
// This means the wikitext for the description will be loaded from the
// page name in the description field.
onShow: gt.getPageAsDescription,
buttons: [ {
// This makes a button which acts like a wikilink to 'Help:Guided tours/mytest'
action: 'wikiLink',
page: pageName,
name: 'Go to description page',
// This specifies that the button takes you to the next step of a process,
// which affects its appearance.
type: 'progressive'
}, {
// This makes the okay button on this step end the tour.
action: 'end'
} ]
} )
.back( 'callout' );
// The following should be the last line of your tour.
} ( window, document, jQuery, mediaWiki, mediaWiki.guidedTour ) );