From ChemWiki
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* Guided Tour to test guided tour features.
// Copy the next line into the start of your tour.
( function ( window, document, $, mw, gt ) {
tour = new gt.TourBuilder( {
name: 'chemwiki'
} );
// Information defining each tour step
tour.firstStep( {
name: 'intro',
title: 'Welcome',
description: 'Welcome to the Introduction tour for MediaWiki',
overlay: true
} )
.next( 'homebutton' );
tour.step( {
name: 'homebutton',
title: 'Home Button',
description: 'Here is the home buttton click here to return to the home page',
attachTo: '#mw-navigation a',
position: 'bottomRight',
onShow: function() {
gt.setTourCookie( 'chemwiki' , 'featmol' );
buttons: [{
action: 'wikiLink',
page: "Category:Homogeneous_photocatalytic_CO2_conversion",
name: 'Link to Featured Molecues',
type: 'progressive',
} )
// .next( 'feat_mol' )
.back( 'intro' );
tour.step( {
name: 'feat_mol',
title: 'Home Button',
description: 'this is a test page',
attachTo: '#mw-toc-heading',
position: 'bottomRight',
buttons: [{action: 'wikiLink',
page: new_pagename,
name: 'Link to Featured Molecues',
type: 'progressive',
} )
.next( 'edit_trans' )
.back( 'intro' );
// The following should be the last line of your tour.
} ( window, document, jQuery, mediaWiki, mediaWiki.guidedTour ) );