Rhenium(I) trinuclear rings as highly efficient redox photosensitizers for photocatalytic CO2 reduction

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DOI 10.1039/c6sc01913g
Authors Jana Rohacova, Osamu Ishitani,
Submitted 05.07.2016
Published online 2016
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Experiment 'Rhenium(I) trinuclear rings as highly efficient redox photosensitizers for photocatalytic CO2 reduction/' does not exist.

catcat conc [µM]PSPS conc [mM]e-De-D conc [M]solvent A..λexc [nm].TON COTON H2TON HCOOH....
(edit)1.Ru(dtBubpy)(CO)2Cl20.05Molecule:100877 0.05DMF4362072290
(edit)2.Ru(dtBubpy)(CO)2Cl20.05Molecule:100877 0.05BI(OH)H0.03DMF4361649280
(edit)3.[Mn(dtBubpy)(CO)3(MeCN)][PF6]0.05Molecule:100877 0.05DMF4363285
(edit)4.[Mn(dtBubpy)(CO)3(MeCN)][PF6]0.05Molecule:100877 0.05BI(OH)H0.03DMF4368060

Investigation-Name: Table 2

Sacrificial electron donor

TEOA (100507)


  • Table 1 (Molecular process, Photocatalytic CO2 conversion experiments)
  • Table 2 (Molecular process, Photocatalytic CO2 conversion experiments)